Electronics, Robot

Making an amplifier.

Last Weekend, we made an amplifier, so we can add lemming sound effects. You might be thinking that adding Lemming Sound Effects IS NOT the greatest priority right now, BUT you have not heard the sound effects!

After hearing about a Kitroniks kit, we decided from a teacher who had used it with her class, we decided to use one to make an amplifier for our robot, using:

  • A Soldiering Iron (Heat source)
  • Solder (Material)
  • Kitroniks Mono Amplifier Kit:
    • Instructions for Mono Amplifier with power switch kit;
    • PCB Board;
    • 1 LED;
    • Power Switch;
    • 1 Ceramic Disk Capacitor;
    • 2 Electrolytic Capacitors;
  • (Everything apart from, The Soldering Iron and Solder, The Resistor Lead Forming Tool, The Strippers, and The Wire Cutters was included the kit)
  • A Half Metre Twin Cable with a 3.5mm Jack Connection of one end;
  • 3 Resistors15k (Brown, Green, Orange);
  • 100k (Brown, Black, Yellow);
  • 150R (Brown, Green, Brown);
  • Resistor Lead Forming Tool (Green Triangle Thing – You use it measure the gap between the two holes for the legs of the component to go through, and then you can bend the legs of the component to the right size, with a nice crisp finish to it);
  • Strippers;
  • Wire Cutters.

First, we soldered all the components onto the PCB board, making sure they were in the right places.

Then, the fun part, we tested it.

It worked first time, and I am pretty sure that the people who live all along our street could hear it! It was definitely not quiet!

(Least we did not test it with lemming sounds!)

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